Welcome to Free Business Coaching! This series is dedicated to giving you the tips and inspiration to grow your business even further. -Kim

Ep. #20: When Your Brain Hijacks You

Hi, I’m Kim Trathen, Business mentor for sales professionals and entrepreneurs. Today, we’re talking about something that everyone experiences - whether or not they’re in business!

Here’s what happens…

Maybe you got a big promotion at work, or just signed a new client…or hit a new financial level in business. On paper, things look good.

But they don’t feel good inside. They feel….scary. Unsettled. You worry.

And it might even leave you feeling confused, or hyper focusing on how you could lose everything.

You just did something you’ve never done before.

As humans, our brains are wired to keep us safe. And when you hit a new goal, your brain is processing new information. These fears that set in are when most people stop, spin out or freak out completely.

But this one q. can change everything - when your brain is overworking on worry, ask yourself, “How can the opposite be true?”

This forces your brain to:

  1. Stop focusing on the worry and shift into problem solving mode.

  2. Specifically seek out evidence for how the opposite can be true.

When you seek out AND WRITE DOWN all the ways the opposite can be true, you give your brain a new way to look at the situation; which calms the fears and anxiety.

And the more you can calm the fears/anxiety, the more you operate in place of calm.


+Why things don’t FEEL good when you’ve done something good
+How to handle it to keep your business moving forward

I help ambitious women grow their businesses. If you're curious about working together, click here to schedule a free consult. We’ll talk more about this.